Monday, October 4, 2010

Poole and Stonehenge

29th Sep mostly rain.....

We visited friends of Betty's in Poole ( reasonably long trip there and back in the rain from Bruton - thank goodness for the GPS we'd probably still be trying to find our way). They treated us to a slap up lunch at a flash restaurant on the beach. Here's Betty about to demolish a fancy ice cream in around 10 seconds.

I love the picture below. Only the English could stand on the beach in the pouring rain with an umbrella

We visited Stonehenge on the way back. Decided not to spend quite a few pounds to get bit closer. We remember the days when you could walk right up to the stones.
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  1. looks like you are managing your energies well and have plenty left.
    I wouldnt bother getting closer to the stones either - they are just rocks!
    It seems like you have been gone for years.
    Love H

  2. It must run in the family, Terry and I did the same
