Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pre-Trip troubles

Why is it that stuff happens which will take time to fix just when you start the countdown to the big departure?

I was checking the garden watering system under the pergola (opposite corner from the picture below when I noticed things were looking a bit wonky.

A couple of shakes nearly brought the lot down on my head! Number one son said it looked like Termites - nothing worse near houses in Australia. So I panicked and got in a 'Termite inspector' who thankfully gave it the all clear "just rot" inhabited by a bunch of enterprising insects of various types.

So we can travel a bit more peacefully.

I had a couple of jacks handy - so I jacked it up more or less level pending a replacement job when we get back.

Heigh Ho - John

P.S. I guess it's done reasonably well over the last 25 years or so.


  1. Hi John and Betty, the photos are fantastic. I am surprised to learn that there are termites in Canberra as I thought they were only in northern and central Australia. I hope you have a safe trip and that it doesn't rain too much! I shall follow your travels with interest.

    All the best,

  2. Hi Pearl...

    There are loads of Termite 'Inspectors' in Canberra and I believe you have to have an inspection before you sell.

    So I guess they are around in Canberra.

    Cheers - JohnS (for Betty)
